Apps in this workflow

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Are you tired of manually checking your website's performance and status? Do you wish for a seamless solution that keeps you informed in real-time? Look no further! With Latenode's Headless Browser and Telegram Bot integration, you can set up your own website monitoring service in just 5 minutes. Not only will you be able to monitor the activity of your website, but you'll also receive instant notifications the moment your site experiences any errors or downtime. In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating this automation workflow.

What You'll Need:

  • Telegram account
  • Access to

Step 1: Creating a Telegram Bot

  • Initiate Conversation with BotFather
  • Start a conversation with BotFather on Telegram.
  • Create a New Bot:
Illustration of BotFather
  • Type /newbot and follow the prompts to give your bot a name and generate a username.
  • You'll receive an API key for your Telegram bot.

Enable Group Chat Invitations:

  • Type /help and /setjoingroups to allow your bot to be invited to group chats.

Add Bot to a Group Chat:

  • Create a new group chat or add your bot to an existing one.
  • You'll need the chat ID of this group for later steps.
Illustration how to Add BotFather to a Group chat

Step 2: Setting Up the Latenode Scenario

Illustration of setting up the scenario on Latenode

Log in to

  • Sign in to your Latenode account.

Create a New Scenario:

  • Click on "Create New Scenario" and give it a name.

Configure Triggers:

  • Add a Schedule trigger to activate the performance check at regular intervals.
  • Add a Webhook trigger for customizable activation links.

Implement Headless Browser:

  • Add a Headless Browser node.

Here’s the code I’m using:

await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });

// The waitForSelector is used here to ensure that the React app has finished rendering.
// This is a simple approach and might need to be adjusted based on the actual app behavior.
await page.waitForSelector('[data-test-id="authEmailInput"]', { timeout: 10000 });

// Check if the specific string exists on the page
const isStringPresent = await page.evaluate(() => {
    return document.body.textContent.includes('Create your account');

return { "result": isStringPresent };

This is just a simple example. You can build up any logic here, Latenode’s Headless browser is giving you a huge variety of possibilities with a Puppeteer library.

  • Copy and paste the provided code to navigate to your website and check for specific text.

Set Up Telegram Nodes:

  • Add two Telegram Bot API nodes to send messages.
  • Connect them to the Headless Browser node.
  • Configure filters to execute based on the result of the Headless Browser node.

Configure Telegram Nodes:

illustration of Configuration of Telegram nodes
  • Enter your bot's access token obtained from BotFather.
  • Provide the chat ID of the group where you want to receive notifications.
  • Customize the message text and parsing mode.

Save and Deploy

  • Save the scenario and deploy it to make it automatically active.


Congratulations! You've successfully created your own webpage monitoring workflow using Latenode. With this automation in place, you'll receive real-time updates on your website's performance directly to your Telegram group chat. Feel free to customize and adapt the scenario to suit your specific needs, whether you want to monitor website changes or monitor a website for changes. 

Join our Discord Channel for support and to connect with other low-code enthusiasts. The possibilities for automation are endless, and we're excited to have you join us on this journey!


IT & Development


Can I use Latenode if I'm not familiar with programming?

Yes, Latenode is designed for users of all skill levels. It offers advanced features for those proficient in JavaScript and intuitive visual tools and AI assistance for beginners. Whether you're an experienced developer or a novice, Latenode provides a user-friendly experience tailored to your skill level.‍‍

Can Latenode integrate with third-party services and APIs?

Yes, Latenode supports integration with a wide range of third-party services and APIs. You can connect Latenode to various online platforms, databases, and software systems to automate data transfers, trigger actions, and streamline workflows. Latenode also provides tools and resources to facilitate the integration process.

Is there a free version of Latenode available?

Yes, Latenode offers a free version that lets you explore its capabilities. This version includes a subset of Latenode's features, enabling you to start with automation and experience its benefits. You can then decide whether to upgrade to a paid plan for additional features and resources.

What is Latenode?

Latenode is a visible and intuitive automation tool designed to empower customers to streamline their workflows through automation. It allows customers to create computerized strategies via connecting diverse internet offerings and gadgets, permitting them to automate obligations and decorate productivity successfully.

How does Latenode help maximize opportunities?

By integrating all your marketing tools in one place through data integration, Latenode helps you gain a comprehensive view of your operations. This enables you to identify potential opportunities more easily and make informed decisions based on accurate data.