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July 30, 2024

What's new:

New Lead Conversion (Instant)
New node
July 20, 2024

What's new:

Move/Copy File
New node
New Event
New node
July 18, 2024

What's new:

List Members
New node
Add Group Email Alias
New node
Update Group
New node
List Groups
New node
Remove Member from Group
New node
July 18, 2024

What's new:

Update Member
New node
Add Member to Group
New node
Create Group
New node
Get Member
New node
Delete Group
New node
July 14, 2024

Google My Business

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

Create Reply
New node
New Review
New node
Create Post
New node
July 5, 2024

What's new:

Delete User
New node
Create User
New node
July 3, 2024

What's new:

New Form Submission
New node
List Page Leads
New node
Get Page Lead
New node
Delete Page Lead
New node
List Accounts
New node
July 3, 2024

What's new:

Get Account
New node
List Sub-Accounts
New node
Get Sub-Accounts
New node
Get Page
New node
Get Domain
New node
June 29, 2024

What's new:

New Order
New node
New Event
New node
New Product
New node
New Member Registered
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

New Links by User
New node
New comments on post
New node
New Comments by User
New node
New Saved Post by User
New node
Submit Post
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

New Subscription
New node
Create Subscription
New node
New Invoice
New node
Pause Subscription
New node
Record Offline Payment for an Invoice
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

Create Contact List
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

Find Customer
New node
Update Product
New node
Create a Product
New node
Create Draft Order
New node
Create Product Variant
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

Create Order
New node
June 27, 2024

What's new:

List Subreddits by Query
New node
June 26, 2024

What's new:

New Free Preview Enrollment
New node
June 26, 2024

What's new:

New Attendee
New node
June 20, 2024

What's new:

Create Reply Thread
New node
June 20, 2024

What's new:

Create Chat Thread
New node
Update Thread
New node
Update Tags
New node
Watch Conversations
New node
Update Custom Fields
New node
June 18, 2024

What's new:

Subscribe to Campaign
New node
Remove Subscriber Tag
New node
Remove Campaign Subscription
New node
Remove From Campaign
New node
June 18, 2024

What's new:

New Campaign Unsubscribe
New node
New Campaign Subscription
New node
Create or Update Subscriber
New node
New Subscriber Tag
New node
Trigger Event
New node
June 14, 2024

What's new:

Create Client
New node
New Client
New node
Find Task
New node
Find Project
New node
New Project
New node
June 14, 2024

What's new:

Stop Time Entry
New node
New Tag
New node
Start Time Entry
New node
Create Project
New node
Create Task
New node
June 14, 2024

What's new:

New Time Entry
New node
Find Time Entry
New node
New Task
New node
Create Time Entry
New node
Find Tag
New node
June 14, 2024

What's new:

Create Tag
New node
Find Client
New node
June 11, 2024

What's new:

Create Photo Post
New node
New Post in My Blog
New node
June 8, 2024

Facebook Messenger

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

Send a Message
New node
Watch Messages
New node
Get a Sender
New node
Send an Action
New node
June 7, 2024

What's new:

Unsubscribe Email
New node
June 4, 2024

What's new:

Create Bank Transaction
New node
Get Contact
New node
Upload File
New node
New Bill
New node
Create Bill
New node
June 4, 2024

What's new:

Create Purchase Bill
New node
New Bank Transaction
New node
Create Bank Transaction
New node
Create Payment
New node
Download Invoice
New node
June 4, 2024

What's new:

Create Bill
New node
Update Contact
New node
Upload File
New node
Create History Note
New node
Create Purchase Bill
New node
May 28, 2024

What's new:

New Or Updated Pull Request
New node
May 28, 2024

What's new:

Get Attachment
New node
May 24, 2024

What's new:

List Integrations
New node
List Transactions
New node
List Invoices
New node
List Subscriptions
New node
List Orders
New node
May 20, 2024

What's new:

Updated Field on Record
New node
May 20, 2024

What's new:

Find Notebook Comment
New node
Add Task List From Template
New node
Task Updated or Deleted
New node
Create Person
New node
New Task
New node
May 20, 2024

What's new:

Find Task List
New node
Find or Create Notebook
New node
Find or Create Link
New node
Create Person
New node
Create Link Comment
New node
May 16, 2024

What's new:

Get List
New node
New List
New node
Create List
New node
New Contact
New node
May 16, 2024

What's new:

Upload Video
New node
May 16, 2024

What's new:

New Unsubscribe
New node
May 15, 2024

What's new:

Attendee Registered
New node
May 14, 2024

Process Street

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

New Workflow Run
New node
Data Set Record Updated
New node
Find Data Set Records
New node
Update Data Set Record
New node
Create Data Set Record
New node
May 14, 2024

Process Street

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

Delete Data Set Record
New node
New Task Checked
New node
Data Set Record Created
New node
Run Workflow if it doesn't exist yet
New node
Data Set Record Deleted
New node
May 14, 2024

Process Street

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

Create Data Set Record if it doesn't exist yet
New node
Task Ready
New node
Workflow Run Completed
New node
Find Workflow Run
New node
Run Workflow
New node
May 14, 2024

Process Street

Dowiedz się więcej

What's new:

Update Workflow Run
New node
Update Task
New node
May 14, 2024

What's new:

New User
New node
New Board
New node
May 14, 2024

What's new:

New Row
New node
New Row (Custom Query)
New node
Find Row via Custom Query
New node
New or Updated Row
New node
Find Row
New node
May 8, 2024

What's new:

New Marketing Webhook (Instant)
New node
Send Transactional Email
New node
New Transactional Webhook (Instant)
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Update Contact
New node
New Ticket Note
New node
New Contact
New node
Create Forum
New node
Add Notes to a Ticket
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Create Forum Category
New node
Find Contact
New node
Update Ticket
New node
Create Ticket
New node
Create company
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

New Ticket
New node
Create Contact
New node
Create Forum Topic
New node
Find Ticket by Id
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Mark a Lead From All Campaigns as Interested
New node
Find or Create Lead
New node
Unsubscribe a Lead
New node
Remove Lead From Campaign
New node
Update Lead From Campaign
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Mark a Lead From One Campaign as Not Interested
New node
Search Lead
New node
Mark a Lead From One Campaign as Interested
New node
Pause Lead From All Campaigns
New node
Add Recipient to Unsubscribe List
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Resume Lead From All Campaigns
New node
Mark a Lead From All Campaigns as Not Interested
New node
Remove Lead From Unsubscribe
New node
Unsubscribed Recipient
New node
Add Lead to Campaign
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

New Activity
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

New Note
New node
New Feature
New node
Create Feature
New node
Create Note
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

Update Contact
New node
Create Forum Category
New node
New Ticket Note
New node
Create Forum
New node
Add Notes to a Ticket
New node
May 3, 2024

What's new:

New Contact
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Create or Append to a Text File
New node
Create a Text file
New node
New Folder
New node
List file revisions
New node
Search files and folders
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Create Folder
New node
Move a file or folder
New node
Restore a file
New node
Delete a file or folder
New node
Create or Update a Shared Link
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Rename a file or folder
New node
List all files or subfolders in a folder
New node
Upload a file
New node
New File
New node
Modified File
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Modified Folder
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Create Job
New node
New Client
New node
New Form Response
New node
Create Client
New node
Job Completed
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Job Queued
New node
New Job
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

Get Summary of Who's Out
New node
Respond to Time Off Request
New node
April 28, 2024

What's new:

New Product
New node
New node
New node
April 27, 2024

What's new:

New Newsletter
New node
New Form
New node
Create Contact
New node
Remove Contact
New node
Find List
New node
April 27, 2024

What's new:

Update Contact
New node
Find Contact
New node
New Contact
New node
New List
New node
New Autoresponder
New node
April 27, 2024

What's new:

Create Newsletter
New node
New Landing Page
New node
Create or Update Contact
New node
April 27, 2024

What's new:

Push Notification
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

New Person Matching Filter (Instant)
New node
New Person (Instant)
New node
Deal Updated (Instant)
New node
Add Lead
New node
Search Leads
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Update Deal
New node
Add Product
New node
Attach File
New node
New Activity (Instant)
New node
Update Lead
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Search Organizations
New node
Add Product to Deal
New node
Update Organization
New node
Search Deals
New node
Add Note
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Person Updated (Instant)
New node
Search Products
New node
Add Follower
New node
Search Persons
New node
Update Person
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Add Person
New node
Add Deal
New node
New Deal (Instant)
New node
Add Activity
New node
Get Activities
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Search Users
New node
New Lead
New node
New Organization (Instant)
New node
Update Activity
New node
New Note (Instant)
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Organization Updated (Instant)
New node
Add Organization
New node
New Deal Matching Filter (Instant)
New node
New Organization Matching Filter (Instant)
New node
Update Note
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Update Product
New node
Merge Two Deals
New node
Merge Two Organizations
New node
Merge Two Persons
New node
Custom Event (Instant)
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Add File
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

New Deploy Start (Instant)
New node
New Deploy Failure (Instant)
New node
New Deploy Success (Instant)
New node
Get Site
New node
List Files
New node
April 26, 2024

What's new:

Rollback Deploy
New node
List Site Deploys
New node
New Form Submission (Instant)
New node
April 25, 2024

What's new:

New Time Off Request
New node
Upload Employee File
New node
New Time Off
New node
Update Employee
New node
New Employee
New node
April 25, 2024

What's new:

Create Employee
New node
Employee Deleted
New node
Employee Updated
New node
Get a List of Who's Out
New node
Employee Updated (Instant) (Beta)
New node
April 25, 2024

What's new:

Change Time Off Request Status
New node
Get Employee
New node
List Employee Files and Categories
New node
Get List Fields' Details
New node
April 24, 2024

What's new:

Send an Email
New node
New Email Open
New node
New Email Bounce
New node
Send Email With Template
New node
April 23, 2024

What's new:

New Sequence Subscriber
New node
New Purchase
New node
Add Subscriber to Form
New node
Create or Update Purchase
New node
Add Subscriber to Sequence
New node
April 23, 2024

What's new:

Find Subscriber
New node
New Tag Subscriber
New node
New Form Subscriber
New node
Add Tag to Subscriber
New node
Remove Tag From Subscriber
New node
April 23, 2024

What's new:

New Subscriber
New node
New Unsubscribe
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Create Status
New node
New Item (Instant)
New node
New View
New node
Filter Items
New node
Item Updated (Instant)
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Create Task
New node
Update Item
New node
Get App Item
New node
New Organization
New node
New Task (Instant)
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

New Workspace
New node
Custom App Event (Instant)
New node
New Application (Instant)
New node
Create Item
New node
Update Status
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Item Comment (Instant)
New node
Item File (Instant)
New node
New Contact
New node
New Notification
New node
Custom Space Event (Instant)
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Delete Item
New node
Get Contacts
New node
Update Task
New node
Complete Task
New node
Delete Task
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Create Comment
New node
Update Comment
New node
Delete Comment
New node
Delete Status
New node
Upload and Attach File
New node
April 20, 2024

What's new:

Get App Field
New node
April 19, 2024

What's new:

New Task
New node
New Task List
New node
New Completed Task
New node
New or Updated Task
New node
April 19, 2024

What's new:

New Email Matching Search
New node
April 19, 2024

What's new:

New companies
New node
April 18, 2024

What's new:

List Events
New node
List Event Invitees
New node