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Radzivon Alkhovik
Entuzjasta automatyzacji niskokodowej
June 19, 2024
Platforma low-code łącząca prostotę no-code z pełną mocą kodu 🚀
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June 19, 2024
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TOP 7 Low Code Integration Software

Radzivon Alkhovik
Entuzjasta automatyzacji niskokodowej
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Low-code integration platforms make business processes easier by enabling rapid and efficient connection of disparate systems with minimal coding efforts. These solutions simplify the creation, deployment, and maintenance of integration logic through visual design tools, pre-built connectors, and business-oriented capabilities.

The advantages of using low-code integration platforms are evident: accelerated development, cost reduction, the ability to involve citizen developers, increased flexibility, and simplified maintenance. This makes them an attractive choice for organizations of all sizes and across various industries.

Key Takeaways: Low-code integration platforms simplify the connection of disparate systems, allowing for easier creation, deployment, and maintenance of integration logic with minimal coding. Featuring visual design tools and pre-built connectors, these platforms accelerate development, reduce costs, and empower both professional and citizen developers. They enhance flexibility and simplify maintenance through rapid prototyping and iteration, making them suitable for organizations of all sizes. Leading platforms like Latenode, Xano, Appian, Nintex, Mendix, OutSystems, and Zoho Creator offer unique features and pricing models tailored to various needs. Trends such as AI and ML integration, advanced collaboration tools, and a focus on security ensure these platforms stay relevant.

Optimize your Business Process on Latenode – the best Low-Code platform for you

What is Low-Code?

Before delving into the review of low-code integration platforms, it's important to understand the concept of "low-code" and the advantages it offers.

Low-code is an approach to software development that minimizes the need for manual coding. Instead of traditional programming, low-code platforms utilize visual development tools, such as drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and components.

The core idea behind low-code is to accelerate the development process by automating routine tasks and providing ready-made modules for reusable functionality. This allows both professional developers and users without deep technical skills (known as citizen developers) to rapidly create applications.

Advantages of low-code platforms:

  • Accelerated Development: Visual tools and pre-built components significantly reduce the time required to create applications compared to traditional development.
  • Resource Savings: Automation of routine tasks and the ability to involve citizen developers reduce the need to hire large numbers of experienced programmers.
  • Flexibility and Rapid Response: Low-code platforms provide flexibility for rapid prototyping, iteration, and adaptation of applications to changing business requirements.
  • Democratization of Development: By providing an intuitive interface and lowering the barrier to entry, low-code makes the development process more inclusive and open to participation from various stakeholders within an organization.

The low-code approach is well-suited for creating integration solutions that unite disparate systems and data. Visual design, pre-built connectors, and ease of customization enable rapid creation and deployment of integration logic.

Criteria for Choosing a Low-Code Integration Platform

When selecting a suitable low-code solution for integration, several key factors must be considered. 

Firstly, an intuitive user interface and visual tools that allow even non-specialists to quickly create integrations. This includes capabilities such as drag-and-drop for building processes, visual tools for displaying and debugging integrations.

Secondly, the availability of an extensive library of pre-built connectors for popular applications, databases, cloud services, and protocols. Out-of-the-box connectors save significant time and effort compared to developing integration logic from scratch.

Flexible customization and the ability to extend the platform is also important: creating custom connectors, APIs, and embedding custom code. Ensuring data security, access control, auditing, as well as compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, is critical.

Finally, pricing policies and scalability options need to be considered. The platform should fit the budget, offer flexible pricing models, including free tiers or trial periods, and provide the ability to scale up in the future as integration needs grow.

Reviews of Top Low-Code Integration Platforms

Low-code integration platforms offer a range of features and capabilities tailored to different business needs. Below are detailed reviews of some of the leading platforms in the industry.

1. Latenode

Latenode is a low-code platform specializing in building backends and integrating them with various frontends. Its key feature is the ability to rapidly develop full-fledged APIs, databases, and business logic without manual coding.

Key Features

  • Visual Interface for API Design: Latenode offers a user-friendly visual interface that simplifies the process of designing APIs. Users can drag and drop components to create API endpoints, define data models, and set up validation rules without writing any code.
  • Pre-built Data Models and Validation: The platform includes a library of pre-built data models and validation rules, which can be easily customized to fit specific requirements. This accelerates the development process and ensures data integrity.
  • Security Features: Latenode provides robust security features, including authentication, authorization, and encryption, to protect data and ensure compliance with industry standards.
  • Database Support: The platform supports a wide range of databases, allowing users to connect and interact with their preferred database systems seamlessly.
  • Integration with Frontends: Latenode's strength lies in its flexible integration with diverse frontends, including popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. This allows developers to create cohesive and responsive applications with ease.
  • Customizable Logic: Users can extend the platform's capabilities by embedding custom code and creating custom connectors to integrate with other systems.


Latenode offers a cost-effective pricing model with various options to suit different needs. The solution includes five pricing plans:

  • Free Plan: Allows up to 12 computing hours and 1500 scenario executions with up to five active workflows.
  • Starter Plan: Costs $17 per month, granting 83 computing hours, 10,000 scenario executions, and 20 active workflows. It also includes a three-day execution history and 100 requests for AI Code Copilot.
  • Grow Plan: Provides 417 computing hours and 100,000 scenario executions for $97 monthly. It offers unlimited active workflows, 30 days execution history, and basic teamwork features.
  • Prime Plan: Costs $297 and includes 1.5 million scenario executions, enhanced teamwork features, and more extensive capabilities.
  • Enterprise Plan: Offers dedicated success engineers, custom app integration, and security with private cloud. Pricing is available upon request.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit Latenode's official website or contact their sales team directly.

Example of API Automation on Latenode

The following scenario demonstrates how to use the Latenode platform to automate the process of fetching user data from a public API and sending notification emails when new users are added. 

  • Data Retrieval: Latenode sends an HTTP GET request to the specified API endpoint to retrieve user data. This request includes the necessary headers to ensure proper content type handling.
  • Data Parsing: Upon a successful response, Latenode parses the JSON data received from the API, extracting the necessary user information for further processing.
  • Data Storage: The extracted user data is then saved for future comparison. This includes details like user ID, name, and email. Previous user data is also retrieved to identify any new users.
  • Data Comparison: Latenode uses a JavaScript script to compare the current user data with previously stored data. It identifies any new users by checking for user IDs that were not present in the previous data.
  • Email Notification: If new users are detected, Latenode sends an email notification with the details of these new users. The email includes the names and emails of the new users to keep the relevant parties informed.
  • Scheduling: The workflow is scheduled to run daily, ensuring that user data is regularly updated and any new users are promptly identified and communicated.

And this is how the result of this automation looks visually:

Latenode offers a free platform to start automating your workflows. If you need help or advice on how to create your own script or replicate the example provided, join our Discord community where low-code automation experts are ready to assist you.

Optimize your Business Operations on Latenode – your low-code automation platform

2. Xano Xano

Xano is a powerful low-code platform focused on creating scalable backends and APIs. Its key advantage is the simplicity of development and the absence of manual coding requirements.

Key Features

  • Intuitive Visual Interface: Xano provides an intuitive visual interface that simplifies the creation of API logic. Users can design, build, and manage APIs through a user-friendly dashboard, which includes drag-and-drop components and visual tools.
  • Database Support: Xano supports integration with various databases, allowing users to connect, manage, and interact with their data seamlessly. The platform supports popular database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
  • Data Transformation Tools: The platform includes powerful data transformation tools that enable users to manipulate and transform data as it flows through their APIs. This allows for complex data processing and ensures that data is in the desired format.
  • Scalable Architecture: Xano is built with scalability in mind, allowing users to create backends that can handle high loads and grow with their business needs. This makes it suitable for applications with varying levels of demand.
  • Flexible Integration Capabilities: Xano supports flexible integration with diverse frontends, including popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. This ensures that developers can create comprehensive and responsive applications.
  • No Manual Coding Required: The platform's core advantage is the ability to create sophisticated backends and APIs without writing any code, making it accessible to both professional developers and non-technical users.

Potential Weaknesses

  • Learning Curve: While Xano is designed to be user-friendly, there might still be a learning curve for users who are entirely new to low-code platforms or backend development concepts.
  • Limited Advanced Features: For users with highly complex or niche requirements, Xano may lack some advanced features and customization options that are available in more specialized or traditional development environments.


Xano offers a range of pricing options to suit different needs:

  • Build: Free tier with shared infrastructure, ideal for trying Xano and personal use, includes 1 workspace, 100,000 total records, and rate-limited API access.
  • Launch: $85/month (or $1,020/year) for 100% dedicated infrastructure, suitable for production apps, includes 3 workspaces, no record or rate limits, background tasks, and security compliance.
  • Scale 1x: $199/month (or $2,388/year) for dedicated infrastructure, designed for apps requiring more power, includes increased API & DB CPU, load balancer, 5 workspaces, and comprehensive data caching.
  • Agency: Custom plans focused on agency needs, offering easy client setup, client management dashboard, partner commissions, team collaboration, and private marketplace access.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit Xano's official website or contact their sales team directly.

3. Appian

Appian is a comprehensive low-code platform that stands out for its powerful case management and process automation capabilities. It offers a rich set of tools for application development, workflow optimization, and a wide range of integrations.

Key Features

  • Case Management: Appian excels in case management, providing robust tools to manage and automate complex processes and workflows. This is particularly useful for industries that rely on detailed case tracking and resolution.
  • Process Automation: The platform includes advanced automation features that allow users to manage repetitive tasks on a large scale. This reduces manual effort and increases efficiency.
  • Data Integration and Real-Time Analytics: Appian can combine data from multiple sources, providing real-time analytics and insights. This feature is essential for making informed decisions based on up-to-date information.
  • Wide Range of Integrations: Appian integrates seamlessly with a variety of systems, including SAP, AWS, and Salesforce. It also offers APIs for connecting custom solutions, ensuring that businesses can integrate their existing tools and systems.
  • Application Development Tools: The platform provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing applications, including visual design interfaces, drag-and-drop components, and pre-built templates.
  • Workflow Optimization: Appian offers tools for optimizing workflows, ensuring that business processes are efficient and effective. Users can model, automate, and improve their workflows using the platform’s capabilities.

Potential Weaknesses

  • Difficulty with Embedded Databases: Some users may find it challenging to work with embedded databases within Appian, which could limit the platform’s usability for certain applications.
  • Limited Reporting and Data Visualization Customization: While Appian offers real-time analytics, the customization options for reporting and data visualization might be limited compared to other specialized tools.


  • Application: $75/user/month - Suitable for standard application development and process automation.
  • Platform: Custom pricing - Tailored for extensive application development and deployment needs.
  • Unlimited: Custom pricing - Provides comprehensive solutions for large enterprises with complex requirements.
  • Free Trial: 14-day free trial available to explore the platform's capabilities.

Appian is designed to cater to both professional developers and business users, enabling rapid development and deployment of applications across any device or web browser. Its strong focus on process automation and AI integration makes it a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline operations and enhance productivity.

4. Nintex

Nintex is a low-code platform focused on workflow management and automation. Its visual interface allows for easy design, deployment, and monitoring of complex business processes spanning messaging systems, documents, and content.

Key Features

  • Visual Workflow Design: Nintex offers a user-friendly visual interface for designing workflows. Users can easily create, deploy, and monitor business processes using drag-and-drop components and visual tools.
  • Workflow Automation: The platform excels in automating workflows, enabling businesses to streamline their processes, reduce manual tasks, and improve efficiency.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Nintex includes built-in RPA capabilities, allowing users to automate repetitive tasks across various systems and applications. This helps in reducing human error and increasing productivity.
  • Process Mapping and Optimization: Nintex provides tools for mapping and optimizing existing business processes. This integrated environment helps organizations identify inefficiencies and implement improvements.
  • Pre-built Connectors: The platform comes with a library of pre-built connectors to popular systems, including Azure AD, Amazon S3, Google Translate, Office 365, SharePoint, and more. These connectors facilitate seamless integration with existing tools and systems.
  • Document and Content Management: Nintex supports the automation and management of documents and content, ensuring that business processes involving documentation are efficient and well-organized.

Potential Weaknesses

  • High Costs: Nintex can be expensive, especially for smaller organizations or those with limited budgets. The cost may be a significant factor when considering the platform for workflow automation.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Some users may find the platform has a steep learning curve, particularly if they are new to workflow automation and low code platforms. Adequate training and onboarding may be required to fully utilize Nintex’s capabilities.


  • Pro: Starting at $25,000/year, ideal for first automation projects, includes unlimited users and workflows, 2,000 document generations, forms, mobile app, premium connectors, analytics, eSign, and standard 8 x 5 support.
  • Premium: Starting at $50,000/year, best for department-wide automation, includes everything in Pro plus 10,000 document generations, on-premises data support, enterprise 24 x 5 support, and professional services.
  • Custom: Personalized pricing for organization-wide automation, offering customized document generations, on-premises data support, enterprise 24 x 5 support, professional services, and enhanced support.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit Nintex's official website or contact their sales team directly.

5. Mendix

Mendix is a leading low-code integration platform that offers comprehensive visual application development and Agile project management tools. It has an extensive set of built-in integration tools and compatibility with various cloud environments.

Key Features

  • Visual Application Development: Mendix provides a robust visual development environment where users can create applications using drag-and-drop components, pre-built templates, and visual workflows.
  • Agile Project Management: The platform includes tools for Agile project management, enabling teams to collaborate effectively, manage backlogs, and track progress in real-time.
  • Built-in Integration Tools: Mendix offers a wide range of built-in integration tools that allow seamless connectivity with various systems, databases, and third-party applications.
  • Cloud Compatibility: The platform is compatible with various cloud environments, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, ensuring flexibility in deployment and scalability.
  • Collaboration Features: Mendix supports collaborative development with features such as version control, real-time editing, and role-based access, making it easier for teams to work together.
  • Extensibility: Users can extend the platform’s capabilities by adding custom code, creating reusable modules, and integrating with external APIs.

Potential Weaknesses

  • Complexity for Beginners: While Mendix is powerful, it may be overwhelming for beginners or non-technical users due to its extensive features and capabilities.
  • Cost: The platform can be expensive, particularly for smaller organizations or startups with limited budgets.


Mendix offers various pricing tiers to accommodate different organizational needs:

  • Free: €0/month, ideal for trying the platform with basic features.
  • Basic: Starting at €52.50/month, suitable for creating simple workgroup applications.
  • Standard: Starting at €900/month, designed for building department-wide business applications.
  • Premium: Custom pricing, tailored for building mission-critical core systems, includes comprehensive features.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit Mendix’s official website or contact their sales team directly.

6. OutSystems

OutSystems is a leading low-code platform focused on building enterprise applications, ensuring high performance across all stages of development, testing, and deployment.

Key Features

  • Enterprise Application Development: OutSystems is designed to support the creation of complex enterprise applications, providing tools for visual development, workflow automation, and data integration.
  • High Performance: The platform ensures high performance throughout the development lifecycle, from coding and testing to deployment and scaling.
  • Extensibility: OutSystems supports the integration of complex programming logic, allowing developers to add custom code and extend the platform’s functionality as needed.
  • Comprehensive Toolset: The platform includes a wide range of tools for application development, such as pre-built templates, drag-and-drop components, and visual workflows.
  • Cross-Platform Deployment: OutSystems supports deployment across various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop, ensuring broad reach and accessibility.
  • Robust Security Features: The platform provides advanced security features, including authentication, authorization, and data encryption, to protect applications and data.

Potential Weaknesses

  • Steep Learning Curve: OutSystems may have a steep learning curve for users new to low code development or enterprise application development.
  • Higher Cost: The platform can be more expensive compared to other low-code solutions, making it less accessible for smaller businesses or startups.


  • OutSystems Personal Edition: Free, ideal for trying and learning low-code development with community support, development-only runtimes, and test applications only.
  • OutSystems Developer Cloud: Starting at $36,300/year, designed for developing and running apps for employees, customers, and partners, includes professional support, multiple runtimes, OutSystems Cloud hosting, 99.5% uptime guarantee, ISO 27001 compliance, 100 internal users, one medium-sized production application, and AI Agent Builder.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit OutSystems' official website or contact their sales team directly.

Optimize your Business Operations on Latenode – your low-code automation platform

7. Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is a versatile low-code platform that allows for the creation and integration of mobile, web, and desktop applications. It is known for its extensive component library, integrations with other Zoho products, and ease of scalability.

Key Features

  • Application Development: Zoho Creator offers a visual development environment with drag-and-drop components, pre-built templates, and custom workflows for creating applications quickly and efficiently.
  • Integration with Zoho Products: The platform seamlessly integrates with other Zoho products, such as Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, and Zoho Desk, providing a unified ecosystem for business operations.
  • Extensive Component Library: Zoho Creator includes a comprehensive library of components and widgets that can be used to enhance application functionality and user experience.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: The platform supports the development and deployment of applications across mobile, web, and desktop platforms, ensuring wide accessibility.
  • Scalability: Zoho Creator is designed to scale with business needs, allowing users to expand their applications and add new features as their requirements grow.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform’s intuitive interface makes it accessible to both technical and non-technical users, enabling rapid application development and deployment.

Potential Weaknesses

  • Customization Limitations: While Zoho Creator is powerful, it may have limitations in terms of advanced customization and integration capabilities compared to more specialized low code platforms.
  • Dependency on Zoho Ecosystem: The platform’s strong integration with Zoho products may be a drawback for businesses not using or planning to use the Zoho suite.


  • Standard: €8/user/month billed annually, ideal for creating your first app, includes basic app creation features and one application.
  • Professional: €20/user/month billed annually, suitable for creating apps for your team or department, includes unlimited applications, custom AI models, and app templates.
  • Enterprise: €25/user/month billed annually, designed for creating core software solutions for your organization, includes all Professional features plus enhanced AI capabilities and branding options.
  • Flex: Custom pricing tailored to specific requirements, ideal for organizations with unique needs.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is recommended to visit Zoho Creator's official website or contact their sales team directly.

Trends in Low-Code Integration Platforms

Low-code integration platforms are rapidly evolving, incorporating the latest technological trends. Here are some key directions:

Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

More and more platforms are adding AI and ML features, enabling the automation of complex development processes and simplifying system integration. AI technologies are used for code generation, business logic analysis, and data flow optimization.

Additionally, the implementation of AI and ML helps make intelligent predictions and recommendations, increasing process efficiency. For example, systems can suggest optimal integration paths based on historical data and contextual information.

Advanced Collaboration Tools

Low-code integration platforms are increasingly including advanced tools for collaboration between development teams and business users. This includes tools for co-editing integration flows and processes, change tracking, commenting, and peer review.

Furthermore, capabilities for remote collaborative development are emerging, which is critical in today's work environment. Distributed teams can work on integrations in real-time, increasing efficiency and reducing time-to-market.

Focus on User Experience and Design 

Growing emphasis is placed on providing a seamless user experience for developing and designing integration solutions. Platform developers strive to make their offerings as intuitive and user-friendly as possible.

Approaches used include:

  • Visual design of tools and workspaces
  • Libraries of pre-built integration templates and components
  • Hint systems and learning materials
  • Support for customizable user interfaces and profiles

The goal is to streamline the integration creation process and increase engagement for both professional developers and citizen developers.

Emphasis on Security and Compliance

 Low-code solution providers are paying increasing attention to ensuring security and compliance with industry standards. As the importance of integrations for critical business processes grows, requirements for their reliability increase.

Platforms are equipped with advanced access control, auditing, and data encryption features. They are regularly updated to comply with new regulatory requirements, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others.

Integration with DevOps and Agile Approaches

 Many low-code platforms ensure integration with DevOps and Agile concepts, offering tools for continuous development, testing, and deployment using agile methodologies.

This allows for more efficient implementation of changes, shorter release cycles, and maintaining the lifecycle of integration solutions in accordance with DevOps best practices.

Considering these trends, it is clear that the sphere of integrated low-code platforms continues to rapidly evolve, constantly enriched with new capabilities to meet various business requirements.


Choosing the right low-code integration platform is crucial for successful digital business transformation. Considering criteria such as ease of use, customizability, security, and scalability, organizations can prioritize platforms that best suit their specific needs.

Leading solutions like Latenode, Xano, Appian, Nintex, and others offer rich functionality for developing and implementing effective software integrations, increasing flexibility and optimizing business processes. As these platforms evolve and incorporate cutting-edge technologies, the process of system integration will become more streamlined and adaptable to the changing demands of the digital world.

Optimize your Business Process on Latenode – the best Low-Code platform for you

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