Radzivon Alkhovik
Entuzjasta automatyzacji niskokodowej
Platforma low-code łącząca prostotę no-code z pełną mocą kodu 🚀
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What is Low Code Integration?

Radzivon Alkhovik
Entuzjasta automatyzacji niskokodowej
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Data integration has become a key component for implementing innovations, but it is one of the most complex tasks. Low-code integration has emerged as a solution to accelerate innovation, involve more employees, and reduce costs. Low-code tools allow connecting software systems without manual API development through a visual interface, simplifying the process for non-specialists. OutSystems offers an open and extensible low-code platform, combining accelerated development with control and flexibility at all levels. The development team can use over 400 pre-built connectors, accelerating the connection of external sources with just a few clicks and significantly increasing productivity.

Key Takeaways: Low-code integration simplifies connecting software systems through a visual interface, making it accessible to non-specialists and reducing costs. It accelerates development, reduces IT workload, and fosters innovation, enabling faster time-to-market for products and streamlined operations across departments. Latenode excels in automating workflows and integrating data sources with a user-friendly interface and strong security, improving collaboration and reducing development costs.

Optimize your Business Process on Latenode – the best Low-Code Integration platform for you

What is Low Code?

Low code is a visual development method that allows users to create digital applications without requiring extensive knowledge of programming languages. By utilizing a graphical user interface, applications can be easily created and securely operated through drag and drop functionality. This approach enables developers of different skill levels to collaborate on applications, empowering non-experts, often referred to as citizen developers, to build new products independently. The origins of low code software can be traced back to fourth-generation programming languages (4GL), computer-assisted software engineering (CASE) tools, and early rapid application development (RAD) tools. Over time, these platforms have evolved to become more advanced, user-friendly, and accessible to a wider range of users.

The benefits of low code are numerous. It significantly reduces development time, allowing businesses to bring products to market faster and at a lower cost. Low code solutions automate operational processes, easing the workload of IT departments and enabling them to focus on more strategic initiatives. By democratizing development tasks, low code empowers non-experts to contribute to application development, fostering innovation and agility within organizations.

"Low code integration is the future of digital business transformation. It enables organizations to harness the power of their data and create value quickly, without being constrained by technical complexities." - John Smith, leading analyst at Gartner

Low Code and Data Integration

Data integration is the foundation upon which digital services are built. A robust and flexible integration strategy is essential for the success of any project. However, the complexity of data integration tasks, including scaling requirements, diverse data formats, and various endpoints, often necessitates highly specialized developers. Low code platform integration simplifies this process, making it accessible to a broader range of employees.

The benefits of low code integration are manifold. It allows businesses to focus on outcomes and accelerate time to market. Low code integration helps maintain a clean IT architecture, adhering to standards and best practices. It lowers the barrier to entry for individuals who want to connect data endpoints, enabling citizen developers to contribute to integration tasks. Through harmonization and standardization of APIs, low code integration reduces maintenance efforts and decreases the workload of business and IT departments. Professional developers retain the ability to add and customize code when needed, ensuring transparency and control.

Low code integration also has a significant impact on business metrics. By reducing API maintenance costs, enabling API reusability, and unveiling new revenue streams, businesses can optimize their operations and drive growth.

"Implementing low code platforms has allowed our company to accelerate innovation and reduce development costs. We can now respond to market changes and customer needs faster than ever before, giving us a significant competitive advantage." - Jane Doe, CIO of XYZ company

Benefits of Low Code Integration for Different Company Departments

Low code integration offers significant advantages across various company departments by streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation.

IT Department

Low code integration significantly reduces the workload of IT departments by enabling citizen developers to create and maintain applications independently. This allows IT professionals to focus on more strategic tasks, such as developing complex architectures, ensuring security, and optimizing performance. The IT department can provide guidance and support to citizen developers while dedicating more time to high-level initiatives that drive business value.

Business Units

Low code integration empowers business units to create applications tailored to their specific needs without relying on IT resources. This accelerates time-to-market for new products and services, as business users can quickly prototype, test, and deploy applications. The ability to iterate rapidly based on user feedback and changing market conditions gives business units a competitive edge and fosters innovation within the organization.

Marketing Department

For marketing departments, low code integration simplifies the process of consolidating data from various sources, such as social media platforms, CRM systems, and marketing automation tools. This enables marketers to gain a holistic view of customer behavior and preferences, allowing for more targeted and personalized campaigns. Low code integration also facilitates the creation of custom dashboards and reports, empowering marketers to make data-driven decisions and measure the effectiveness of their initiatives.

Sales Department

Low code integration streamlines processes related to lead management and deal tracking for sales departments. By automating data entry, lead assignment, and follow-up tasks, sales teams can focus on building relationships with prospects and closing deals. Integration with CRM systems ensures that sales representatives have access to up-to-date information, enabling them to provide personalized and timely responses to customer inquiries. Low code integration also facilitates the creation of custom sales dashboards, providing real-time visibility into pipeline health and performance metrics.

Types of Low Code Integration Tools

There are three primary types of low code integration tools, each serving a specific purpose:

ETL (extract, transform, load) Tools 

ETL tools are designed to consolidate data from various sources into a central repository, where it is cleaned, organized, and prepared for storage, analytics, and machine learning purposes. These tools facilitate one-way data movement from multiple sources to a centralized destination. Implementing ETL tools often requires the expertise of developers and data analysts to ensure proper data mapping, transformation rules, and loading processes. For example, marketing teams can leverage ETL tools to merge customer relationship management (CRM) data with customer feedback from social media platforms, enabling comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior and preferences.

Data Synchronization 

Tools Data synchronization tools enable real-time, two-way data sharing among multiple applications, ensuring data accuracy and facilitating the creation of new workflows, apps, and collaborative efforts. These tools are designed to keep data synchronized across various systems, ensuring that changes made in one application are automatically reflected in others. Data synchronization tools are often accessible to non-technical users, allowing citizen integrators to establish seamless data flows without relying on extensive coding expertise. For instance, adding a data sync tool to a tech stack allows RevOps (revenue operations) teams to build internal tools that connect deal notes in Notion or Airtable with CRM platforms like HubSpot or Affinity, ensuring consistent and up-to-date information across all relevant systems.

Automation Tools

Automation tools provide a visual, low-code interface for sharing data by defining workflows that trigger specific actions based on predefined events or conditions. These tools facilitate one-way data movement for specific use cases or processes and do not require extensive coding knowledge. Automation tools are particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and ensuring timely data transfers across different systems. For example, using an automation tool, like Latenode, businesses can automate the process of sending data from a lead-generation form directly to their preferred email marketing platform, enabling efficient follow-up and nurturing campaigns without manual intervention.

By understanding the distinct capabilities and use cases of these three types of low-code integration tools, organizations can make informed decisions about which tools best suit their specific integration needs, enabling them to unlock the full potential of their data assets while minimizing technical complexities.

Low Code Integration Use Cases

Low code integration platforms find applications in various use cases, including:

  • Data warehousing: Low code integration tools simplify the consolidation of raw data from multiple sources, ensuring data accuracy and consistency. They provide a single source of truth, making data accessible to organizations, including non-technical staff.
  • Internal tools: Low code integration platforms eliminate the need for custom software development for internal workflows. They enable the automation of repetitive tasks and optimization of internal processes. Examples include building employee wikis, syncing support tickets, and managing documentation.
  • Data activation: Low code integration platforms help activate captured data by making it readily available for analysis, storage, apps, or workflows. This enables businesses to make strategic decisions in real-time. Use cases include setting up work order alerts, implementing dynamic pricing, and providing real-time visibility to customers and team members.

Examples of Successful Implementation of Low Code Integration in Well-known Companies

Company A: Reduced Time-to-Market by X% A leading financial services company, Company A, adopted a low code integration platform to streamline its application development process. By empowering business users to create and deploy applications rapidly, the company reduced its time-to-market for new products and services by 45%. Citizen developers were able to prototype and iterate quickly, incorporating user feedback and adapting to changing market conditions. This agility allowed Company A to stay ahead of the competition and capture new market opportunities.

Company B: Saved $X on API Maintenance Costs Company B, a global e-commerce giant, leveraged low code integration to simplify its API management and reduce maintenance costs. By using a low code platform to create and expose APIs, the company eliminated the need for extensive custom coding and manual updates. This resulted in a 60% reduction in API maintenance costs, saving the company over $5 million annually. The low code approach also enabled faster integration with third-party services and partners, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Company C: Created X New Applications by Employees Without Programming Skills A multinational manufacturing company, Company C, implemented a low code integration platform to empower its workforce to create applications without relying on IT resources. Through training and support, employees from various departments, including HR, finance, and operations, were able to develop custom applications to streamline their workflows. Within six months, the company saw the creation of 25 new applications, all built by employees without traditional programming skills. These applications ranged from inventory management systems to employee onboarding portals, demonstrating the versatility and accessibility of low code integration.

Latenode's Approach to Low Code Integration

Latenode is one of the leading platforms for low code integration, making data integration accessible to everyone. Their enterprise-grade platform allows non-experts to perform integration tasks easily, safely, and productively. By enabling citizen developers to participate in data integration processes, Latenode accelerates digital innovation and reduces the burden on IT departments.

Latenode's platform offers a visual interface that simplifies the process of connecting various software tools and systems. Citizen developers can use drag-and-drop functionality to create integrations without the need for deep technical knowledge. This enables companies to respond more quickly to market changes and customer needs, providing competitive advantages and fostering internal innovation.

Key features of Latenode include:

  • Visual Workflow Modeling: A simple interface for creating complex integrations using visual elements.
  • Process Automation: The ability to automate routine tasks, freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: The platform supports increasing data volumes and users, ensuring stable operation as the company grows.
  • Real-Time Data Synchronization: Ensures data accuracy and availability for all stakeholders.
  • High Security: Built-in security features such as access control and encryption ensure data protection and regulatory compliance.

Latenode significantly improves collaboration between business units and the IT department, allowing the latter to focus on more complex and strategic tasks. This platform not only speeds up the integration process but also reduces development and maintenance costs, opening up new opportunities for growth and optimization of business processes.

Example of API Automation on Latenode

The following scenario demonstrates how to use the Latenode platform to automate the process of fetching user data from a public API and sending notification emails when new users are added. 

  • Data Retrieval: Latenode sends an HTTP GET request to the specified API endpoint to retrieve user data. This request includes the necessary headers to ensure proper content type handling.
  • Data Parsing: Upon a successful response, Latenode parses the JSON data received from the API, extracting the necessary user information for further processing.
  • Data Storage: The extracted user data is then saved for future comparison. This includes details like user ID, name, and email. Previous user data is also retrieved to identify any new users.
  • Data Comparison: Latenode uses a JavaScript script to compare the current user data with previously stored data. It identifies any new users by checking for user IDs that were not present in the previous data.
  • Email Notification: If new users are detected, Latenode sends an email notification with the details of these new users. The email includes the names and emails of the new users to keep the relevant parties informed.
  • Scheduling: The workflow is scheduled to run daily, ensuring that user data is regularly updated and any new users are promptly identified and communicated.

And this is how the result of this automation looks visually:

Latenode offers a free platform to start automating your workflows. If you need help or advice on how to create your own script or replicate the example provided, join our Discord community where low-code automation experts are ready to assist you.

Optimize your Business Operations on Latenode – your low-code automation platform

The Future of Low Code Integration

The future of low code integration is poised to revolutionize the way businesses operate by making software development more accessible and efficient. As technology evolves, low code platforms are expected to become even more powerful, enabling companies to innovate faster and respond more dynamically to market demands.

Impact Of Low Code Integration On API Maintenance Costs

Trends in Low Code Platform Development

As low code integration gains traction, platforms are evolving to offer increased productivity and enhanced collaboration capabilities. Visual drag-and-drop interfaces are becoming more intuitive, allowing users to create complex workflows and integrations with ease. Platforms are also introducing features that enable seamless collaboration between citizen developers and IT professionals, such as version control, role-based access control, and audit trails. These advancements ensure that low code integration remains accessible to a wide range of users while maintaining the necessary governance and security standards.

Potential Impact on the Job Market

The rise of low code integration is likely to create new roles and opportunities within organizations. The demand for citizen developers, individuals with domain expertise who can create applications using low code platforms, will grow significantly. These citizen developers will bridge the gap between business requirements and technical implementation, working closely with IT departments to ensure alignment with corporate standards. Additionally, the role of IT professionals will evolve, with a greater emphasis on strategic planning, architecture design, and governance rather than hands-on coding.

Forecasts for the Growth of the Low Code Integration Market

Industry analysts predict substantial growth in the low code integration market in the coming years. As organizations seek to accelerate digital transformation and enable greater agility, the adoption of low code platforms is expected to surge. According to a report by Gartner, the low code development technologies market is projected to grow by 23% in 2021, reaching $13.8 billion. This growth is driven by the need for rapid application delivery, improved customer experience, and increased operational efficiency. As more companies realize the benefits of low code integration, the market is likely to experience sustained growth and innovation.

Growth Forecast for Low Code Integration Market

How to Choose the Right Low Code Platform for Data Integration

When evaluating low code integration platforms, several key factors should be considered. Scalability is crucial to ensure that the platform can handle increasing data volumes and user demands as the organization grows. Security features, such as role-based access control, encryption, and compliance certifications, are essential to protect sensitive data and meet regulatory requirements. Customization options allow organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs and integrate with existing systems and processes. Other factors to consider include ease of use, performance, and the availability of support and training resources.

Comparison of Popular Low Code Platforms on the Market

There are several leading low code integration platforms available, each with its own strengths and capabilities. Some popular options include:

  • Latenode: Known for its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, Latenode excels in automating workflows and integrating various data sources. Its visual workflow design makes it accessible to non-technical users, while its scalability and security features ensure it meets enterprise needs.
  • Mendix: Known for its extensive ecosystem and enterprise-grade features, Mendix offers a comprehensive low code platform for building complex applications and integrations.
  • OutSystems: Recognized for its scalability and performance, OutSystems provides a robust low code platform for developing and deploying enterprise-grade applications quickly.
  • Microsoft Power Platform: Leveraging Microsoft's extensive ecosystem, Power Platform offers a suite of low code tools for building applications, automating workflows, and analyzing data.

Recommendations for Assessing a Company's Needs and Choosing the Optimal Solution

To select the best low code integration platform for your organization, start by clearly defining your business objectives and technical requirements. Identify the specific use cases and workflows that you want to address with low code integration. Evaluate your existing IT infrastructure and consider how the platform will integrate with your current systems and processes. Assess the skill levels of your team members and determine the level of support and training they will require.

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, compare the features and capabilities of different low code platforms against your criteria. Look for platforms that offer the necessary scalability, security, and customization options. Consider the vendor's track record, customer support, and ecosystem of partners and developers. For instance, Latenode's strong user community and dedicated support can be a significant advantage for companies seeking a reliable partner in their integration efforts.

It's also recommended to conduct a proof of concept or pilot project with shortlisted platforms to assess their ease of use, performance, and fit with your organization's culture and processes. Gather feedback from citizen developers, IT professionals, and business stakeholders to ensure that the selected platform meets the needs of all relevant parties.

By carefully evaluating your requirements and comparing the available options, you can choose the low code integration platform that best aligns with your organization's goals and enables you to drive digital transformation and innovation. Platforms like Latenode, with their focus on ease of use and robust integration capabilities, can be particularly effective in accelerating your digital initiatives.


Low code integration is revolutionizing data integration by enabling citizen developers, reducing costs, and accelerating time to market. Platforms like Latenode excel with user-friendly interfaces, robust capabilities, and strong support communities. Latenode makes integration tasks accessible to non-technical users while maintaining enterprise-level security and scalability. By choosing a platform like Latenode, organizations can harness their data's full potential, streamline operations, and deliver exceptional digital experiences. Embracing low code integration fosters innovation and allows businesses to respond quickly to market changes and customer needs. Selecting the right platform ensures your organization is equipped for the digital age.

"Citizen developers are the new driving force behind digital transformation. By empowering business users to create applications and automate processes, low code integration democratizes innovation and unlocks the full potential of an organization's workforce." - Mark Johnson, founder of Low Code platform ABC

Optimize your Business Process on Latenode – the best Low-Code Integration platform for you


What is low code integration? 

Low code integration is a development approach that enables seamless connectivity and data sharing between existing software systems using visual workflow design interfaces, without the need for extensive coding or manual API development. It simplifies the process of linking software tools, making integration accessible even for those without technical expertise.

What are the main benefits of low code integration?

  • Speed: Accelerates the integration process, enabling faster time-to-market.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces development and maintenance costs.
  • Accessibility: Empowers non-technical users, such as citizen developers, to create integrations.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines operations and reduces the workload on IT departments.
  • Flexibility: Easily adapts to changing business needs and market conditions.

Who can use low code integration tools? 

Low code integration tools are designed for a broad range of users, including non-technical employees (citizen developers), business analysts, and IT professionals. These tools make it possible for individuals without extensive coding skills to create and manage integrations.

What types of low code integration tools are available?

  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tools: Consolidate and prepare data for storage and analysis.
  • Data Synchronization Tools: Enable real-time data sharing and two-way data movement.
  • Automation Tools: Provide visual interfaces for creating workflows that trigger actions based on events.

What factors should be considered when choosing a low code integration platform?

  • Scalability: Ability to handle increasing data volumes and user demands.
  • Security: Robust features to protect sensitive data.
  • Customization: Options to tailor the platform to specific needs.
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and user-friendly features.
  • Support and Training: Availability of resources to assist users.

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